Student Support at Kaipara College


At Kaipara College we provide comprehensive and appropriate support for our students.

Support includes:

  • Whānau teacher 

  • Year-level Kaitiaki (dean)

  • TIRA (house) leaders (from 2025)

  • Senior leadership team member allocated to each year group

  • Student learning and special education support services

  • Hauora Hub/Student Support Centre with a comprehensive range of health and wellbeing services.

  • External health and wellbeing services regularly visiting the College

  • Student and staff led group focussing on students' interests and respecting diversity.

  • Student representation on the Kaipara College School Board.

  • Student voice throughout the College including; Tū Rangitira, Peer Support Programme, PSSP, year-level leadership, Student Leaders, etc.

We have open communication with our whānau.  


The role of the kaitiaki is to provide appropriate support and direction for the student, supported by whānau. 

Each year level has the support of a kaitiaki. They work closely with the student's whānau teacher throughout their time at Kaipara College.

All of our kaitiaki work to embed and support the restorative practice and Te WAKA o Kaipara values. These models are the foundation blocks to how we choose to behave at Kaipara College.

2024 Kaitiaki Team

2025 Kaitiaki Team


Kaipara College has a strong Pastoral Care Faculty. Our goal is to provide an environment of resilience through connectedness that will promote and encourage academic and personal growth for our students.

A resilience model is strengths-based and works on the premise that if students are in a supportive and safe school environment, where they feel valued and important, along with high and realistic expectations, they have the opportunity to excel in all areas of the school.

Our student support team consists of a registered social worker, a school counsellor, and two registered nurses. Each team member brings a unique set of skills and knowledge that are then wrapped around the student to enable resilience and growth

The student support team rely on the collaborative assistance of expert outside agencies to ensure the best possible outcome. These include outside counsellors, a GP,  physiotherapist, youth workers, youth aid officers etc who either come in to the school to see students or alternatively students can be seen outside of school.

As a school that is committed to the safety of children and young people under the Vulnerable Children’s Act 2014, our services and programmes reflect the principle that the welfare and interests of the young person are the first and paramount consideration.  To this end the team have well established links with Oranga Tamariki and Police.

We also have year level kaitiaki and whānau teachers who closely monitor the students’ academic progress and well being.

Appointments are made at the Hauora Hub/Student Centre or via email.


The School Nurses are Ms Louise Wild and Robyn Wards.

Both Ms Wild and Mrs Wards are Registered Nurses and have a daily clinic in the Student Centre. Our nurses also undertake a HEeADSSS Assessment (Holistic health and well-being check) for each Year 9 student.

Our Health Clinic team will help students when they are unwell or if they have injured themselves.  Students can talk to them about anything to do with their health. We also have a GP and physio on site once a week.

Appointments are made at the Hauora Hub/Student Centre or via email.


We see the Hauora Hub/Student Centre as the hub of the school and encourage students to access the support available to them.

If your child is going to be absent from school please contact us via one of the following methods:

Phone +64 9 420 8640 ext 810

Phone or text +64 27 420 8642

Email [email protected]

Via the Absentee function on SchoolApps