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Welcome to Kaipara College
Kaipara College warmly welcomes international students. As well as offering a wide range of subjects and co-curricular activities, we offer many special features to meet the needs of students from other countries.

Students are welcome to our school either for short-term or long-term study. We provide an excellent English Language programme, a special system of pastoral care, and recreational activities which ensure that international students gain full benefit from their time in New Zealand.

Kaipara College is located in the town of Helensville, on the North West edge of Auckland. It is one hour from Auckland’s International Airport and is a 40-minute drive from the center of the city. It has the best of the New Zealand countryside while being very close to the city. Our students come from small communities and townships within the horticulture and farming regions, right on the edge of the city. People living in the area can easily get to the city and enjoy all it offers, while living close to beaches, adventure parks, golf courses, and open spaces.

Apply Online Here:
International Student Application Form
Online Web Enrolment Instructions

Meet our International Team:

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International Department Contact Details:

Our International Students Department may be contacted with any enquiries by email at [email protected],
or by phone on +64 9 420 8640 ext: 4. 

24/7 International Student Emergency Contact Details:

At Kaipara College, we understand that supporting our international students is an all-day, every day responsibility.
In an emergency (24/7), please call +64 21 420 784

Our rural and coastal environment is one that offers a unique kiwi experience for international students. The nearby city of Auckland offers a host of cultural and entertainment opportunities for our thriving international department.

We pride ourselves on providing outstanding homestay accommodation and we work hard to integrate overseas 
students into the full life of the school.

  • International students are entitled to join any appropriate courses offered and gain NCEA qualifications. Students are required to attend the college English Language course as part of their programme. 

    We accept international students with two clear expectations:
    That they make the most of the academic, cultural and social opportunities provided, and that they actively make the most of their New Zealand experience.

International Study Fees:

Click the documents below to expand the Study Fee details for our Short & Long term programmes.

International Short Term Student Fees 2025      International Long Term Student Fees 2025

20082024 International Homestays For 2025

Interested in Hosting International Students?

We are looking for enthusiastic, caring, and adaptable homestay carers who enjoy new learning and meeting new people. There are many benefits for homestay families in welcoming international students into their homes. These benefits include:

  • Opening our minds, growing the possibilities

  • Respecting and understanding others, gaining new perspectives 

  • Learning new languages, customs, and ways of living

  • Developing lifelong friendships

  • Understanding how people around world are the same but different

  • Helping young people to achieve their dreams, and 

  • It is actually a lot of fun

What is the Ideal Homestay?

We are looking for homestays from all over the South Kaipara region. The goal is to offer a range of rural, town, and coastal options to our visitors. Our selection of homestays will provide a full and fun range of interests, fun activities, and experiences. Some of our visitors will want a quieter household, while others are seeking the energy and buzz of being amongst kiwi teenagers. 

It’s about working towards the most suitable match so that everyone benefits and enjoys the experience.

The Length of Stay:

There are three types of homestay. 

  • Trip or group. Typically these groups of approximately 25 students visit us for between two and four weeks. 

  • A short-stay student is one that is with us for up to two terms and usually is after the New Zealand experience. 

  • Long-stay students will be at Kaipara College for between one and three years, and may have a visa to continue their tertiary study in New Zealand as well.

Being on our homestay list offers you flexibility as to when you would like to accept an international student and for how long. You are not required to say yes to every opportunity presented to you.

Are Homestay Carers Paid?

Yes. Homestay carers are paid regularly while hosting a student. Each visiting student pays a homestay fee to Kaipara College to cover management, administration, and supervision of their stay, 24/7 emergency support services, and other related costs. Most of the homestay fee is passed along to the Homestay carers to cover day-to-day food and accommodation expenses. 

Next Step, Contact Us: 

We are now looking to build a strong and diverse selection of homestays. Kaipara College already has groups booked in for the new school year.

If you are interested in exploring further being a Homestay carer with Kaipara College, please email the International Students’ Department at [email protected].  We will then contact you and arrange an initial visit.

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26082024 Slide Nao Fujita26082024 Slide May Nguyen

Apply Online Here:
International Student Application Form
Online Web Enrolment Instructions

More Information:

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International Student Wellbeing & Safety:

We are a signatory to the NZQA Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice.

For a summary of the code or information on how to access a third-party dispute resolution service please click on the links below.

Dispute Resolution
International Student's Dispute Resolution   Istudent Flyer

Code of Practice (English) 4923 Nzqa Code Summaries Schools English Final

Code of Practice (Japanese) 4923 Nzqa Code Summaries Schools Japanese Final

Code of Practice (Thai) 4923 Nzqa Code Summaries Schools Thai Final

Code of Practice (German)

4923 Nzqa Code Summaries Schools German Final

Code of Practice (Spanish/Latin America)

4923 Nzqa Code Summaries Schools Spanish Final

Code of Practice (Vietnamese)

4923 Nzqa Code Summaries Schools Vietnamese Final