What is Kapa Haka?
At Kaipara College, Kapa Haka is an co-curricular activity which is open to all students of the school. The aim of Kapa Haka at Kaipara College is to bring students together and to promote Māori culture through performance.
A high level of commitment is needed in order for performers to learn the seven items which make up a Kapa Haka bracket. These are: Waiata Tira (Choral), Whakaeke (Entry), Waiata-ā-ringa (Action song), Poi (Song performed with poi), Haka, Whakawātea (Exit).
Ngā Taniwha o Kaipara
In 2016, our group was renamed, ‘Ngā Taniwha o Kaipara’. We adopted this name from of our school haka. We ask our students to be the personification of taniwha (water spirits) that guard the waters of the Kaipara, when they perform. Our tohu (logo) was designed by Lloyd Morgan (Nga Puhi).
We are fortunate to have two amazing tutors. They are, Bill Simons (Ngāti Whātua, Te Kawerau a Maki), Wiha Hiku (Te Aupouri, Te Rarawa, Ngā Puhi). The teacher in charge of Kapa Haka is Brianne Te Paa (Ngā Puhi, Ngāti Whātua, Ngāti Tuwharetoa, Te Whānau-ā-Apanui).
Historically, Kaipara College Kapa Haka has been involved in the ASB Polyfest and the Kaipara Festival. In recent years our group has been allowed to participate in the Tai Tokerau Festival.
The build up to any Kapa Haka festival requires a lot of dedication from our students, their families and our tutors. A typical Kapa Haka campaign will see our students practicing at least twice a week for 2-3 hours, as well as weekend live-ins. These seven videos show Ngā Taniwha o Kaipara's bracket performing in the Division One category final of the 2019 Polyfest. By clicking on the links you will be redirected to the official Māori Television website.