Kaipara College supports Mental Awareness
In light of this week being Mental Health Awareness Week, the Kaipara College Student Council organised a 'Green Accessory Day'. Green is the worldwide mental health awareness colour, with intentions to raise funds for the great support services that our school provides.
After many hours of creating green ribbons, posters and all the other organisation involved, we saw multiple of our students adorned in green to raise awareness about mental health. The student council organised this day in conjunction with other projects they are working on to destigmatise the fear people have around asking for help by recognising that mental health is not something to be frowned upon but rather something to acknowledge and work on.
We would like to thank everyone that participated by wearing green however the main goal of the day was not to raise the most money or see the most people wearing green but rather to further raise awareness about mental health which we see as a major achievement.
This initiative was led by year 11 student Billie Stroobant with the support of the student council.